Discipling Your Children

Sep 18, 2013 by

discipling kids

Jerolyn recently wrote about life and schedule of back to school for many families. One of the questions we asked ourselves, and the question we ask you is how are you discipling your children? Jerolyn mentioning discipleship in her blog, but let’s look at it a little deeper.

What is discipleship or disciple-making? This is an ongoing discussion across churches around the world, but let’s look at this specifically as part of parenting our children. They should be the first ones we focus on in discipling. They must be a priority. Discipleship is the development of someone spiritually to help them become more like Christ. Christ taught us to follow His teaching and to model our life to be more like Him. We do this by living out the Christian life through reading and studying God’s Word, praying, and following the teachings of Christ. In fact in the book of Matthew, which is the first book of the New Testament of the Bible, there is what is known as The Sermon on the Mount. This was taught by Jesus and gives us guidance to living as He directs. He is very specific in this text about the “character” of a “disciple.” His teaching is clear as to how we are to live.

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Back to School

Aug 19, 2013 by


back to school

Summer is coming to a close. While the heat continues throughout the country, vacations are coming to an end. Moms are putting away the swimming suits and dad’s are winterizing the boat and camper. Department stores are flooded with frantic parents searching out the right glue sticks and #2 pencils. Children are in dressing rooms begrudgingly trying on uniforms that will be their main wardrobe for the next nine months. It’s that time of year again – the beginning of school.

While the new school year brings many challenges – kids adjusting to waking up earlier, parents adjusting to waking up earlier, and making lunches that your children will eat and not trade away – it is also a “new beginning” time for some great changes in your family life.

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