Legacy Trip

What is a Legacy Trip?

All cultures have some form of a rite of passage celebration such as Quinceanera or an 18th birthday party. We have established a rite of passage trip based on Jesus’ temple trip. When our children reach age 14, we take them on a very purposeful vacation. We often say, “The child chooses the location; we set the agenda.” We call it a Legacy Trip.

This is a wonderful “rite of passage” trip to celebrate our child. While doing something our child loves to do, we review each day the values we’ve been raising them with all their life. You could say this is a time of passing off of the baton. At 14, our child is of an age  to take ownership of our values and move forward in their life with the responsibility of the values as their own. Since they are still under our roof, they will have supervision as they continue to walk in the values and make decisions for their future.

Each value comes with a gift to represent that value. For example, Positive Attitude comes with an eagle figurine. And the question we ask our child is, “How high will you fly?” Your attitude determines your altitude. If you want to fly high with the eagles, you must maintain a positive attitude in life.

At the end of the trip, our child is left with these tangible reminders of not just a wonderful trip with their parents, but daily reminders of the values we are all striving to maintain.

In Faith Legacy: Six Values to Shape Your Child’s Journey, we give very practical ideas and resources for taking a Legacy Trip. Start planning today for a very memorable trip of a lifetime.

We are offering to put together trips for parents and children who might like the same location or idea of a trip. We will also join you at the start of the trip to help be your guide as you begin this trip. You can do this on your own or join us with others who would like to have a “guide” along the way. Let us know if you are interested in this concept (see the “Contact Us” tab), and we can begin to personalize a trip for you.

Also, we are offering Legacy Trip gift sets to include all of the items for a trip, including gifts, notes, a book, and helpful hints to make the trip a success. Contact us today if you are interested.

Live and Leave a Legacy of Significance.


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