Practical Parenting Tips on Positive Attitude: Part 2

Jun 6, 2013 by

positive attitude

Winston Churchill said, “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” On Tuesday, we began with Part 1 in the list of Positive Attitude instilling behaviors. Today, we will continue the list of how to train our children to have a positive attitude, and how to demonstrate one, as well.

Ages 2-5:

  • Discourage the use of the words, “I can’t.”

Ages 6-10:

  • Help your kids choose good friends. Observe their friends, and if you see an attitude problem in a child, discuss it later with your child. Determine if their friend’s attitude is influencing your child or if your child is being a good influencer. Either way, set up boundaries and checkpoints in their relationship. For example, if you see bad attitudes after your child has been with a friend, you might restrict them from being together for a while.
  • Explain to your daughters (at around eight years old) about hormones, and the affect they have on their attitudes. Help them establish a plan for dealing with them.

Ages 11-17:

  • Discuss with your boys the affects of hormones on their attitude. Help them establish a plan for dealing with them.
  • Even if an attitude of respect has been established in the home, it will be challenged during the teen years. Do not allow inappropriate words or attitudes. Parents are still the authority and must maintain control over the home. But we parents must also show our children respect.


  • Establish an attitude of thanksgiving in your home.

How are you doing in modeling a positive attitude in your home?

~Jim and Jerolyn Bogear


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