Practical Ideas for Teaching Purity: Part 1

May 8, 2013 by

purityIn a day where purity is seen as old fashion, we value it as a biblical principal. Not only do we challenge our children to remain sexually pure until marriage, but also to remain pure in thought and deed. In Ephesians 6 we are admonished to wear the whole armor of God. That includes the helmet of salvation – protecting our mind. And the breastplate of righteousness that protects our heart and emotions. Remaining pure in these areas takes great diligence and as parents, we are not always popular. But the rewards are greater.

Here are some age-appropriate suggestions on guarding your child’s purity.

All Ages:

  • Talk to your children about their bodies being the temple of God.
  • Teach them about appropriate touch and not to play with their bodies.
  • Teach them to respect other people’s bodies. Do not touch others’ private parts.
  • Honestly answer their questions about their bodies. Give only as much information as needed.

Ages 6-10:

  • Explain sex to your children when you feel they are ready to learn about it. Kids will usually start asking questions around intimacy. There are wonderful Christian books that explain sex in a very appropriate way and stress that sex is only for marriage. Your kids are going to learn about sex. Better form you than someone else.

Ages 11-17:

  • Encourage modest choices in clothing. Girls especially may be tempted to choose clothing that reveals too much of their developing bodies. Explain to them the reasons for modesty.
  • Establish dating restrictions: age, curfew, where they can go, and who they can go with.
  • Encourage group dating. There’s safety in numbers.

On Thursday, check in for Part 2 of ways to train your children in purity.

~ Jim and Jerolyn

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