A Forever Love

Nov 3, 2014 by



For wherever you go, I will go;
And wherever you lodge, I will lodge;
Your people shall be my people,
And your God, my God.
Where you die, I will die,
And there will I be buried.
The Lord do so to me, and more also,
If anything but death parts you and me.

You may have heard these lines recited at a wedding. They actually come from the Bible in the book of Ruth and are spoken from a recently widowed daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law. But they capture the true attitude of covenant and are perfect words for a wedding ceremony between a man and woman beginning their life together.

Why is it that so many in our society today cannot fathom the idea of a forever relationship? That’s a rhetorical question because I actually already know the answer. Do you?

It’s selfishness.

The thought of giving ourselves completely to another; of closing the door to options; of living out sacrifice to one person; of making a forever promise is too much to ask. Because what if I’m not getting what I want out of this relationship.

This weekend was not one of my most fun weekends. I spent it in bed with a really bad cold. In fact, I’m typing from my bed. (Note to self: disinfect this keyboard later.)

Some things I missed out on are:

  1. Friday morning breakfast with my husband.
  2. Jim and my day off together to go have some fun.
  3. Annual Halloween night dinner and movie.
  4. Being able to get down on the floor and play with my granddaughter.
  5. Going to the last Farmer’s Market of the season.
  6. Hearing my husband preach on Sunday morning.
  7. Dinner with friends Sunday evening.

You get the picture. And some of these things my husband missed out on, too, because I couldn’t do them. But he never complained. In fact, he got me food and beverages, did the laundry, swept the floors, hung around the house to keep me company, and generally made sure I was taken care of.

That is a selfless, covenantal marriage.

I am so blessed that God gave me a partner for life. I know I can always depend on him and he on me.

  • Does it require trust? Yes.
  • Is it hard? Sometimes.
  • Does it take sacrifice? Often.
  • Is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!

Where he goes, I will always go. Where he lives, I will always live. And that’s forever.

Does your spouse know you love with a forever love? Why or why not?

~ Jim and Jerolyn Bogear


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