Marriage Values: Unwavering Support, Part 2

Feb 5, 2014 by


On Tuesday, we covered our 5th value from Faith Legacy for Couples: Seven Values to Shape Your Marriage. Today, we will look at some strategies for living out the value of Unwavering Support.

In a marriage, each couple needs to know the other has their back – that no matter what, their spouse will stand by their side and help them through whatever they are facing, good or bad. We call it pulling on the same side of the rope. In Tug-of-War, you pull against one another on each end of a rope to move it into position so you can win. But in a marriage, you and your spouse must be pulling together on the same side of the rope so your marriage can win. You are a team and as such, you must support one another unwaveringly.

So how do you do that?

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Marriage Values: Unwavering Support, Part 1

Feb 3, 2014 by


This week we will discuss the 5th of seven values from our book, Faith Legacy for Couples: Seven Values to Shape Your Marriage. Check out our previous posts on 4 of our other values – Absolute Commitment and Unconditional Love, Part 1 and 2, Love God and One Another, Part 1 and 2, Honest Communication, Part 1 and 2, and Cherish and Respect, Part 1 and 2. ~ J & J


Unwavering Support:

The marriage relationship is like no other partnership. In your job, ministry, or community service, you may have a partner who has the same business goals as you have. You work daily to complete the steps to reach those goals. You make adjustments along the way to refocus the goal or to make the process more effective. But that is where your partnership ends.

Maybe you have thought of your marriage as a partnership – but this partnership needs its own definition.

A marriage is not two people walking parallel paths. Instead, it’s two people walking the same path arm in arm, heading toward the same goals, running the same race.

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