Why Couples Must Communicate

May 28, 2014 by

husband and wife looking at each other


A couple of weeks ago at our marriage conference, a couple told us they took our Friday night “homework” to heart. They spent 2 hours discussing the topic we had assigned. This young, married, parents of a 3-year-old later told us that couldn’t remember the last time they had an uninterrupted 2-hour conversation.

We hear this again and again. Couples will take the time to discuss the basics of life – household needs, who’s taking the kids where, and what’s for dinner. But when it comes to meaningful conversation, they are falling short.

In other words, we have a bunch of men and women living as roommates/co-parents and missing out on the joys of a marital relationship because they never talk. Truly talk.

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What 60 Years of Marriage Looks Like – Part 2

Sep 16, 2013 by


Marriage is like a beautiful tapestry. It has form, texture, and color. It takes many years to construct a masterpiece and usually more than one set of hands. The vision for your marriage is the picture you have formed in your minds together as a couple. Maybe it will be for 40 years or 60 years. However, long you are together, you can continually work to make that picture a reality.

In Part 1 I addressed the way we can grow individually to fulfill the vision for our marriage. We must be diligent in our own growth to be a balanced partner with another person.tapestry

Here I will talk about how we can work together as a couple to finish painting the picture we have in mind for our marriage.

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What 60 Years of Marriage Looks Like – Part 1

Sep 11, 2013 by


Yesterday, Jim, our son, Shay, his wife, Haley, and I went to breakfast at a local café. It was a quaint little place with a toy train that continuously circled the rooms on a high shelf. As I looked around the café, I noticed a little elderly couple sitting across the room. He was dressed in a sharply pressed maroon dress shirt and slacks. She was wearing a Kelly Green suit with a matching tam on her head. They sat side-by-side at the table and both had their napkins tucked into the tops of their shirts to protect their clothes.

I quietly asked the waitress about them. She said they were in the café every day and always dressed to the nines. She called them a very sweet couple and said that the wife often asked about the cook and even went back into the kitchen to greet him.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of this beautiful couple. They were so dignified and yet so “at home” with each other. I didn’t see them talk once, but their silence communicated something special between them – a familiarity, a comfort, a oneness.

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