A True Covenant Marriage

Oct 30, 2014 by

duggar wedding


Yesterday, Good Morning America covered the wedding of Jill Duggar from 19 Kids and Counting. They captioned it with “Jill and Derick’s Covenant Marriage.” The report explained that a covenant marriage is one where they promise that if divorce is being considered, they will seek counseling first and also puts some strict parameters on when divorce is allowed.

Well, I don’t believe GMA got the whole gist of a covenant marriage.

What is a covenant marriage? It is not a contract or a certificate. It is not a “we’ll see if this works” attitude. It is not “I’ll stay with you until someone better comes along.” It isn’t even a “things are difficult, so I’m getting out.”

Covenant is an unbreakable, binding promise to remain with one another FOREVER. Through thick and thin. Through ups and downs. Through growing pains and tragedies. It is truly till death do us part.

We don’t say this to condemn those who have gone through divorce; neither do we stand in judgement. But in your marriage today, how will you move forward? It’s a new day. You may need counseling to help through difficulties. You may want counseling or coaching to make your good marriage become great.

We will continue to shout from the rooftops how God designed a marriage to be – forever united.

This is our common man’s definition of a biblical marriage:

It is one man and one woman who say we are in a non-negotiable, bomb-proof, never-ending, no one, no-how coming between us; I will grow old with you in the nursing home; I will stand by you in a wealthy country club or in the soup line; stuck to you, laughing and crying with you forever and forever kind of covenantal marriage.

That is the marriage Jill and Derrick promised to live. And it is our prayer that all couples will remain united in a covenantal, biblical marriage.

Are you living a covenantal marriage? If not, what are you going to do to change that?

~ Jim and Jerolyn


Photo from usmagazine.com


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