Marriage Values: Unwavering Support, Part 1

Feb 3, 2014 by


This week we will discuss the 5th of seven values from our book, Faith Legacy for Couples: Seven Values to Shape Your Marriage. Check out our previous posts on 4 of our other values – Absolute Commitment and Unconditional Love, Part 1 and 2, Love God and One Another, Part 1 and 2, Honest Communication, Part 1 and 2, and Cherish and Respect, Part 1 and 2. ~ J & J


Unwavering Support:

The marriage relationship is like no other partnership. In your job, ministry, or community service, you may have a partner who has the same business goals as you have. You work daily to complete the steps to reach those goals. You make adjustments along the way to refocus the goal or to make the process more effective. But that is where your partnership ends.

Maybe you have thought of your marriage as a partnership – but this partnership needs its own definition.

A marriage is not two people walking parallel paths. Instead, it’s two people walking the same path arm in arm, heading toward the same goals, running the same race.

A marriage partnership encompasses not only your goals, but your dreams, hopes, failures, desires, weaknesses and strengths, shared joys and sorrows, children, grandchildren, passionate love, and so much more.

And it’s this partner in your life that needs to have your unwavering support.

What is unwavering support to you?

For us it means helping the other person become whoever they are designed to become. Backing up this unique individual in word and action, both privately and publicly. Making them your best friend, closest confidante, and only lover. Accepting their strengths and their weaknesses and helping them grow in both.arm-in-arm-walking-on-beach-272x203

Giving unwavering support requires a price. You may need to set aside your desires to help your partner reach their goal. You may need to reach beyond your natural inclinations to give words of affirmation. You will definitely need to go against the grain of many spousal-bashing social settings and proclaim your love and support for your spouse – declaring their attributes with praise.

Unwavering support is not difficult when you take the time to see your own humanity and downfalls. If you are realistic about who you are and the great chasm that exists from the person you want to be, then you will have the grace to hold up your spouse walking the same journey.

You are an inseparable team who wants the same thing – a healthy, Christ-centered marriage that takes you to “till death do us part” while growing as individuals. Pull on the same side of the rope and work together to make that happen. It’s much easier and a whole lot more fun when you work together toward a life of significance.

How can you give your spouse your unwavering support right now?

~ Jim and Jerolyn



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