Marriage Value: Love God & One Another, Part 1

Nov 4, 2013 by


In our marriage book, Faith Legacy for Couples: Seven Values to Shape Your Marriage, we give seven values that are the foundation of our marriage. We strongly believe that to have a marriage that is healthy and growing, you must live it together based on shared values.

On September 30th and October 2nd, we discussed the first value, “absolute commitment and unconditional love.” This week, we will look at the second value which will explore the spiritual connection and growth in a marriage – love God and one another.

We believe the greatest stabilizer to a marriage relationship is when both the husband and the wife are living in relationship with God. To be in relationship with Him, you must deny self, take up your cross daily, and follow Him. That act of pursuing a relationship with God forces you to surrender your selfish ways. You see, selfishness is the basis of all sin.

So if I am choosing to live a life that is sinless and in line with God’s laws and love, I must stay true to Him by abandoning my selfishness. When I consciously work to free myself from the bondage of selfishness, I am becoming more like Christ and more of the person that God desires I be. I can be truer to how He created me and accomplish what He has made for me to do during my time here on this earth.

It’s a very simple equation: God + a selfless me = His child living a full life glorifying Him.

praying coupleWhile the equation may be simple, the execution is a difficult road. The enemy will throw numerous obstacles in our path to steer us away from becoming who we are to be. He is cunning, and we must always be on our guard. But if we persevere, we can live a victorious life that is holy and pleasing to God.

So how will this help my marriage?

Think about the number of problems that arise in every marriage. It is the foundation of every argument, every hurt feeling, and every divorce.


  • How is your relationship with God?
  • How can you live a more selfless life?

~Jim and Jerolyn

Check back in on Thursday, November 7th for strategies on living out this value.

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