Practical Parenting Tips for Teaching Significance: Part 1

Aug 5, 2013 by


Our sixth value that we parent with is Significance. Many strive for success, but we choose significance. What of myself will I leave behind when I am gone? We believe we live a significant life as we love, laugh, and learn. In other words, it’s all about relationships — spending time with family, friends, co-workers, neighbors. How we live life with those people our life touches will be our legacy.

Today and Thursday we will list some practical ideas on how to instill a life of significance in our children.

All Ages:

  • Instruct your child to do something for someone in the family without being asked — like making a sibling’s bed.
  • Encourage random acts of kindness. Before going out to run errands, tell your children to watch for others who need their help.
  • Discuss together the “Why’s” of life. Children are naturally curious. Instead of seeing their questions as annoying, discuss what they are interested in. You may even learn something in the process.

Ages 2- 5:

  • Look your child in the eyes when they talk to you and train them to do the same.

Ages: 6-10:

  • Train your child to read for themselves.
  • If your children have a hobby or sport, help them to learn more about it.
  • Help your child to see needs in others and to figure out a way to help them.

Ages 11-17:

  • Provide lessons for your child for the hobbies or sports they enjoy.
  • Encourage your child to hang out with other adults who will positively influence their life.
  • Make family dinner a priority at least once a week. Talk, laugh, and cry together.
  • Work with your child on the direction for their life. Encourage continued focus on future goals and aspirations.


  • Love on your child every day at every age and say, “I love you.”
  • Laugh with them at least once a day.

Come back on Thursday for more tips.

~Jim and Jerolyn


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