Practical Ideas for Teaching Purity: Part 2

May 9, 2013 by

purityOn Wednesday, we began a list of ideas on how to teach your children about purity. Today we continue that list. Hope these ideas spark some of your own thoughts and actions.

All Ages:

  • Help your children learn to guard the “eye-gate” and the “ear-gate.”
  • Check what music your children are listening to. Check their CDs and MP3 players. Print out the words to the songs and discuss the lyrics. Allow in your home only music you approve.
  • Control what your kids are watching on TV, at the movies, and on the computer.
  1. Movies: Visit or from Focus on the Family.
  2. Computer: Check their Internet history. Use protective software to make it impossible for them to visit certain sites.
  3. Social Internet sites, like Instagram and Facebook: Check who they are talking to and what they are talking about. Also, check who they are sharing pictures with and what those pictures are.


  • Never leave boys and girls alone in a room with the door closed. They are very curious and will explore.


  • Spend as much time with your teenager’s special someone as they do. Have them in your home as much as possible.
  • Help your child establish an accountability partner – someone they can be open and honest with and who will ask tough questions. It could be you, but in most cases it will be someone else. Direct your child to a pastor, a teacher, or a youth sponsor rather than another teenager. Help them choose someone who is wise and dependable that you and your child both trust.
  • Teach your children to recognize compromising situations and to run from them. Once they start dating, establish a code system where they can reach out to you for help without embarrassment with their friends. If they are in an uncomfortable situation, they can use the code to let you know, and you can come get them.

What are some of your ideas for teaching your children about purity? We love to hear from you.

~ Jim and Jerolyn

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