A Love Letter

Feb 14, 2013 by



Since I’m the one who usually makes sure the blogs are posted each week, I am taking advantage of the opportunity and hijacking our blog for my own purposes…to honor my husband. ~Jerolyn

My Knight,

When I was only twenty years old and you asked me to marry you, I really had no idea what a covenant marriage looked like. I knew I loved you; I knew that I wanted to marry you… but forever? What does it mean to live with the same person day in and day out for the rest of your life – especially when you may have a good sixty years left? For the last twenty-seven years, we have learned together. Through highs and lows, we have clung to one another for strength, support, and friendship. I can now see forever.

You are an amazing husband. You have provided for our family spiritually, emotionally, and financially. You have always made me feel loved, protected, and cherished. You stood by me when I didn’t deserve it and held me up when I couldn’t stand. You are my biggest cheerleader and my best friend. I want to grow as a person, so I can be a better wife for you. I want to know your needs and meet them unselfishly. I pray that God continues to teach me creative ways to make you happy.

You are the most important human being in my life and if I don’t have a growing, healthy relationship with you, then I have failed. To live, laugh, and love with you will take time and intentionality. I want to give both. You are worth every minute I spend embodying the values we need to be a great couple. I love working out this union with you and facing new experiences with you by my side. We have so many more adventures to come.

One of my favorite moments of any day is sitting with you on our patio with the fountain running in the background talking around the world and back again. I love to dream with you and imagine where God will take us and how He will use us — always together. You truly make me feel like a queen and the most beautiful woman in the world all wrapped up into one. You are my knight in shining armor, my best friend, my confidante, my lover, my husband – fully mine. I love you…forever.

~Your Queen


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