We’re Not Empty-Nesters

Nov 6, 2012 by

On my patio right now is an empty bird’s nest. The babies were born a few weeks ago, and we haven’t gotten around to cleaning their nest out of the patio column. Now the nest is dry, misshapen, and very forgotten by its inhabitants. Simply put – it’s empty.

A few weeks ago, we took our youngest child, Gabby, to college 2200 miles away. Now, everyone keeps asking me how I’m doing as an empty-nester. This term can be very depressing. Yes, my birds have flown the coop, but my home is far from empty. For one thing, Jim, the dog, and I are still here and living rather vibrantly.

So I’ve chosen a different description for our present home situation – Second-time Honeymooners. Here’s why:

  • My house is not empty.
  • My little birdies do fly home every once in a while.
  • I do not live in a dried-up, deserted pile of leaves and twigs.
  • I’ve never eaten a worm.
  • I do very happily live with my Knight-in-Shining-Armor.
  • The dog is allowed to stay by paying rent with cuddles.

I may be a little older, but I do remember those 3 years we had before children. They were great years. And while we would never trade the 24 years of raising kids, we now have the privilege of returning to the beginning. How awesome is that?! A second-time honeymoon, only this time we are much wiser and have more resources. I love doing life with this guy I married 27 years ago!

What is your Second-time Honeymoon like?

~ Jerolyn

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